Tag: espionage

I have an Author Page on Amazon!

Now that my novel “All Have Sinned” is available for pre-order on Amazon (release date Jan. 11, 2020), I have an actual author’s page! I feel so official. Go over and check it out at http://www.amazon.com/author/marcusbuckley. And if you haven’t pre-ordered your Kindle copy, then what are you waiting for? The paper version will be available soon, and I have a special announcement coming about an event where you can bring your book and get it signed. Keep your eyes peeled here, and the book website at http://www.allhavesinned.com, and follow me on Facebook (@marcusbuckleybooks) and Instagram (@doc_marc).

There’s a New Website in Town!

I’m still going to be posting stuff right here, but I’ve added something new. The website for my new novel “All Have Sinned” is up, and I’d love for you to check it out. You can find out more about the book and the characters, you can sign up for email updates, and you can find links to pre-order the electronic version on Amazon (the paper version will be available for pre-order soon). It’s also available for pre-order now on Apple Books.

Just go to http://www.allhavesinned.com and check it out. I also have a new page on Facebook dedicated to the novels, @marcusbuckleybooks, and I’d appreciate it if you would both like the page and share it. Thanks for your support!

Novel Inbound!

This one has been a loooooong time coming, but I am excited to announce that I have a novel coming out after the first of the year. It’s an espionage thriller–if you like Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, Dan Brown etc., then it’s right up your alley.

So why in the world is a pastor writing a suspense novel? I have enjoyed telling stories since I was a kid, and I’ve always loved writing. When I was recruited to apply for the FBI nearly 20 years ago, I went through that process for a little over a year before I finally decided it wasn’t the right thing for me and that door closed. Some friends encouraged me to write a story about it, and this highly fictionalized tale is a sort of “what-if.” I’ve always loved the suspense-thriller genre, so it was a natural progression for me to go for it.

I’ve also never been able to find much in the way of “Christian fiction” that was in this genre, so I wanted to write a book that was interesting for men and women alike but also touched on some of the core elements of what it means to be a Christ follower in everyday life. This “everyday life” just happens to be an FBI agent who is doing a lot of globetrotting to stop an insidious plot to kill a lot of innocent people. And while it’s filled with action, intrigue, and even a hint of romance, it’s clean enough that you won’t be embarrassed for your kids to find out you’re reading it ;).

I’ll be launching the website for it soon, and a sample will be there for you to peruse. You’ll be able to sign up for special emails about this book, book signings, and other upcoming novels in the series (yes, there’s going to be more than one!). I’ll also be telling you ways you can help me get this book out to the masses. I don’t have an advertising budget, so I’m going to need you to help with promotion by telling everyone you know. Thanks in advance!